BAQUACIL® Cleaners & Solutions
Designed to help restore water clarity, control metals, clean filters and surfaces, and much more, the BAQUACIL® full suite of support products offer multiple solutions to common pool care issues. You can browse through our products here and, as always, talk with your authorized BAQUACIL® dealer for recommendations to best suit your pool.

BAQUACIL® Metal Control
Metal Control is a strong chelating agent that deactivates dissolved copper, iron, and other heavy metals that can affect water clarity. This product should be used on all new pool start-ups or conversions to help prevent stains and discolored water. Compatible with BAQUACIL® pools only.
Available sizes: 1.25 lbs.

BAQUACIL® 4-Way Test Strips
These easy-to-use, accurate test strips measure BAQUACIL® pH, total alkalinity, sanitizer, and oxidizer. One dip gives results within 15 seconds. Test twice weekly for water clarity throughout the summer. Compatible with BAQUACIL® pools only.
Use with the BAQUACIL® CDX® System.
Available sizes: Each bottle contains 25 test strips

BAQUACIL® Universal Filter Cleaner
A strong and effective cleaner for all types of filters, our Universal Filter Cleaner dissolves and removes collected debris, scale, oils, and organic waste. Use twice a season to ensure good water quality and optimum filtration. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.
Available sizes: 1/2 gal.

BAQUACIL® Flocculant
Used for years by municipal water authorities, our iron-free, aluminum sulfate compound Flocculant treats persistent haze and clarifies cloudy pool water. Can be used as a filter aid or broadcast flocculant. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.
Available sizes: 1.5 lbs.