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BAQUACIL® Balancers

Your pool will run at peak performance when your water is balanced. BAQUACIL® offers a full suite of granular balance products designed to help you keep chemical levels within the proper range, including pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness. Browse through our four main products and as always, our authorized BAQUCIL® dealers can recommend the right product for your pool.

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BAQUACIL® Total Alkalinity Increaser

Total Alkalinity Increaser is specifically designed to raise the total alkalinity to the proper range and keep the pH from fluctuating. Always adjust total alkalinity prior to adjusting pH. Compatible with chlorine and bromine pools.

Available sizes: 5 lbs. / 10 lbs. / 20 lbs.

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BAQUACIL® Calcium Hardness Increaser

Calcium Hardness Increaser raises the calcium hardness of pool water, which helps protect your pool surface and equipment. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.

Available sizes: 3.5 lbs. / 8 lbs. / 20 lbs.

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BAQUACIL® pH Increaser

pH Increaser raises the pH of the pool water to the proper range of 7.2 – 7.8, which helps protect the pool’s surface and equipment while providing swimmer comfort. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.

Available sizes: 4 lbs.

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BAQUACIL® pH Decreaser

pH Decreaser lowers the pH of pool water to the proper range of 7.2 – 7.8, which prevents scaling and cloudy water while providing swimmer comfort. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.

Available sizes: 6 lbs.

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